A lot of Catholics are retarded, though. This coming from a former one. 
A lot of Christians are retarded, not just the Catholics. This coming someone who was raised fundamentalist Baptist.
Which in your opinion has a better grasp on the Bible's message in your opinion? Catholicism or fundamentalist Baptists? I think that if Catholicism wasn't so much about all the other BS (which is probably the only interesting part of the religion) it would be closer to what is correct as far as what the Bible says.
It is all bullshit to me anyways. If you are going to have a religion based on a book that is supposedly the word of an omnipotent creator, why would you even follow a religion that greatly misinforms people on the truth and picks and chooses from its words to suit its own agenda? Why follow any church led by humans, as they are the ones that fuck up religion the most?
I was raised in a Southern Baptist (somewhat fundamental) Church. As much as I dislike a lot about that particular Church, at least they tried to take things in context.