Down under your rectum?
I'm not interested in your homoerotic fantasies. 
I'm not interested in your pointless shit.
All of you can suck my Balls Of Steel(TM)!
I fucking hate this website. I fucking hate all forums! I fucking hate everyone in this ROTTEN WORLD!!!
Let me start with women... Oh I cannot decide whose worst. Women or men? I fucking hate all of you women! You judge me for not having a personality as good as Seinfield and not looking as good as Tom Cruise yet you are willing to suck some WIGGER'S dick and have his brainless babies because he treats you like a little bitch! And ALL young women are a bunch of FUCKING whores! It's no wonder we have a bunch of fucking babies in this world. It's all about the fucking!
I hate all of you so-called "men". A bunch of dicks you are, going around and fucking without a second thought, and acting like total assholes towards me because I'm not so "manly". Fuck you all! Go listen to your rap shit and rape your girlfriends!
I hate all of you kids! You are the dumbest creatures on God's green Earth. I laugh when I hear about some kid dying because of his or her stupidity! I hate kids when they grow up even more because they get everything for nothing! A bunch of worthless, spoiled brats who get rewarded for acting like ASSHOLES. Bullying and manipulating everyone to gain influence and power and blowing your money on all kinds of kiddy crap like video games and crystal meth!
This goes for EVERYONE on Earth! I hate you all. I want to boil all of you men in hot LAVA and hear all of you SCREAM before your deaths and inhale the fragrance of your burning bones and flesh! The women I'll RAPE YOU ALL!!! Then beat you all to DEATH! I'll take a select few and CONTROL you as my slaves for the rest of your lives. As for the children, I'll GRILL them and feed my slaves "BRAT" BURGERS!!! GET IT? BRATS? KIDS? GRILLING? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
I will consume all of your souls and make you pay for your sins for an eternity!