Author Topic: Thread that GA cannot lock. Debate continued in here. GA's Diaper time...  (Read 4469 times)

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Hello guests, enjoying the drama? :toporly:
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.

Offline Phlexor

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The one I see the most is really good.

First thing we agreed on was that we don't understand eachother, and with that as a apriori, she helps me with the stuff I have problems with. She lets me be if I start stimming, no need for her to try to comfort that, she knows it is what helps me get through stuff I hate. So, she just goes on with it.

Now that I'm used to her, I've not been stimming with her around for a very long time. But if I would, she would not be acting weird or so.

I used to see someone in the last place we lived. She was from a mental health place, but they let me access it. She was the one who brought up the idea that I might be AS in the first place.

Offline Adam

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GA isn't claiming to be physically female...
Oh - so if I decided tomorrow to copy black culture, I would not be derided? And rightly so.
shouldn't someone be able to act/dress however they want (assuming it's not harming anyone else)?

Offline Eclair

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I don't think NTs are trying to oppress us into being like them out of malice, it's more out of ignorance. They can't understand why we want to be the way we are, they don't understand how much it is tied into our identity. They probably think we are being depressed or just grumpy when we refuse them and their way of life and thinking.

To me that is the toughest hurdle in asserting our rights in society. It would be nice if they could take our word and just accept it and us, but they feel they need to understand. They want to feel they are helping, and their way is to to make us like them. They think that is what everyone should want.

No wonder a lot of us get angry at them.


Apparently it's selfish to be inflexible and live your life your way  ::)

Offline Eclair

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GA isn't claiming to be physically female...
Oh - so if I decided tomorrow to copy black culture, I would not be derided? And rightly so.
shouldn't someone be able to act/dress however they want (assuming it's not harming anyone else)?

Exactly. In theory...

Offline Phlexor

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I don't think NTs are trying to oppress us into being like them out of malice, it's more out of ignorance. They can't understand why we want to be the way we are, they don't understand how much it is tied into our identity. They probably think we are being depressed or just grumpy when we refuse them and their way of life and thinking.

To me that is the toughest hurdle in asserting our rights in society. It would be nice if they could take our word and just accept it and us, but they feel they need to understand. They want to feel they are helping, and their way is to to make us like them. They think that is what everyone should want.

No wonder a lot of us get angry at them.


Apparently it's selfish to be inflexible and live your life your way  ::)

Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke!  :zoinks:

Offline Christopher McCandless

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GA isn't claiming to be physically female...
Oh - so if I decided tomorrow to copy black culture, I would not be derided? And rightly so.
shouldn't someone be able to act/dress however they want (assuming it's not harming anyone else)?
No - because that just adds to the social expecations that we are expected to comply with. It is another piece of hassle to get around.

Freedom is finite, I would rather have more important freedoms. Like for example, right to a job, right to education, right to respect. You know, the fundementals we haven't quite got.

Offline Adam

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since when did we not have the right to a job, eductaion etc?
yes we experience more problems and have more obstacles to overcome to get there, but tough shit - AS is a disability whether you like it or not. more should be done to help autistic people get jobs etc, yeah. but it's hardly like there's a law against it. you can't just expect people to leave everything on a plate for you because of your AS - grow up and take some responsibility for these things yourself like other people here do (plenty have jobs and degrees)

as for that crap about giving us more social expectations... again, tough shit. it's hardly just gay people and trans people who are doing that. EVERYONE in society contributes to this kinda thing. again, that's just part of the problem with having AS. more should be done to help, yes. but you can't fucking expect everyone else to make your life perfect just for you

how is your situation any worse than, say, a gay man being forced to live his life alone or with a women? (which is what you're expecting them to do)


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I felt they offered a more balanced discussion on it - moreover it proved my point that a few people agree with me, who also happen to have AS.
That's a thread making fun of a picture, and an arguement about whether or not it is okay to make fun of people's pictures, and some other stuff about youtube and chess bets or something, all ending in a nice little group hug of some sort.  Seriously, see no connection at all.
There are a few posts discussing his transgenderism if you move through it carefully.
Yes there are, but aren't those points much the same as the ones made about the picture? The point being, if someone exposes their true identity and personal aspects of their life then they leave their self exposed to mockery. That's very true. Who could argue that? The only possible extension which could be added to that would concern the hypocrisy of those who seek to mock others while maintaining their own anonymity. This seems not to be the case of the person who started that thread.

Made a serious attempt to understand, but posting that link as an example of those who agree with you put a hurt on the interest level.

Offline odeon

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Your lack of logic means that you can't prove anything. Next.
GA is the one who needs to prove legitimacy, not me.

You don't see it as a problem that nobody considers your opinions to be legit?

Contempt of the group he claims to represent.
Hardly - most people with AS off the internet share my view on this. I2 or any other online site is hardly representative of people with AS, by any margin.

But your offline AS pals are?

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline odeon

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Your lack of logic means that you can't prove anything. Next.
GA is the one who needs to prove legitimacy, not me.

You don't see it as a problem that nobody considers your opinions to be legit?

Contempt of the group he claims to represent.
Hardly - most people with AS off the internet share my view on this. I2 or any other online site is hardly representative of people with AS, by any margin.
The AS people I meet in meatspace are not that different from the AS people I meet online.
And the people I know off-line (with confirmed dx) come in various ways. From car-washer, to teacher, to environmental specialist. I don't think I could sell the ideas of yours to any off them. For as far as you have been clear on them, that is.

Are the people with AS that you know off-line representing all kinds of social layers in the UK? Or do they all share your background, your way of using language and your basic ideas on anthropology?
Most the people that I meet with AS agree with me - and would far rather have someone who can get things going forward like myself respresent them, than the likes of GA. I think if you look at the thread on Duncs Drivel, pretty much none of them agree with GA. P managed to even put together a funny video.

Proving what? Pretty much no-one agrees with you here. Should Dunc's place have special status on teh interwebs?

Here's the thing, Hadron, and I don't think I can put it clearer than this: you do not represent me. I'd NEVER approve of you representing me because you come off as a fake, a phoney, a fraud. Someone who talks a lot but delivers nothing. A lot of the bs you post has the feel of a kid who wants to impress his surroundings but because there isn't a lot IRL to show, he fills in what is missing.

GA, on the other hand, comes off as honest and so is off to a good start. I think that whatever makes him and those around him the happiest is the way to go, and I hope there is a happy ending somewhere for those involved. I think he is misguided and I feel sorry for Renaeden, but I also think it takes a lot of guts to be as open about this as GA is.

So I'd rather have him represent "us" than you, because he is honest and I believe he'd have the basic respect for diversity.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline odeon

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GA isn't claiming to be physically female...
Oh - so if I decided tomorrow to copy black culture, I would not be derided? And rightly so.
shouldn't someone be able to act/dress however they want (assuming it's not harming anyone else)?
No - because that just adds to the social expecations that we are expected to comply with. It is another piece of hassle to get around.

Freedom is finite, I would rather have more important freedoms. Like for example, right to a job, right to education, right to respect. You know, the fundementals we haven't quite got.

As long as you decide the important freedoms, right?
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline 'andersom'

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GA isn't claiming to be physically female...
Oh - so if I decided tomorrow to copy black culture, I would not be derided? And rightly so.
shouldn't someone be able to act/dress however they want (assuming it's not harming anyone else)?

No - because that just adds to the social expecations that we are expected to comply with.
It is another piece of hassle to get around.

Freedom is finite, I would rather have more important freedoms. Like for example, right to a job, right to education, right to respect. You know, the fundementals we haven't quite got.

For lots of people who are faceblind, the diversity in dressing and behaviour is only helpful.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline 'andersom'

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since when did we not have the right to a job, eductaion etc?
yes we experience more problems and have more obstacles to overcome to get there, but tough shit - AS is a disability whether you like it or not. more should be done to help autistic people get jobs etc, yeah. but it's hardly like there's a law against it. you can't just expect people to leave everything on a plate for you because of your AS - grow up and take some responsibility for these things yourself like other people here do (plenty have jobs and degrees)

as for that crap about giving us more social expectations... again, tough shit. it's hardly just gay people and trans people who are doing that. EVERYONE in society contributes to this kinda thing. again, that's just part of the problem with having AS. more should be done to help, yes. but you can't fucking expect everyone else to make your life perfect just for you

how is your situation any worse than, say, a gay man being forced to live his life alone or with a women? (which is what you're expecting them to do)

I had completely forgotten that to Hadron AS is not a disability (aside from society induced problems).
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!


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since when did we not have the right to a job, eductaion etc?
yes we experience more problems and have more obstacles to overcome to get there, but tough shit - AS is a disability whether you like it or not. more should be done to help autistic people get jobs etc, yeah. but it's hardly like there's a law against it. you can't just expect people to leave everything on a plate for you because of your AS - grow up and take some responsibility for these things yourself like other people here do (plenty have jobs and degrees)

as for that crap about giving us more social expectations... again, tough shit. it's hardly just gay people and trans people who are doing that. EVERYONE in society contributes to this kinda thing. again, that's just part of the problem with having AS. more should be done to help, yes. but you can't fucking expect everyone else to make your life perfect just for you

how is your situation any worse than, say, a gay man being forced to live his life alone or with a women? (which is what you're expecting them to do)

I had completely forgotten that to Hadron AS is not a disability (aside from society induced problems).

I agree with him on that, though. 90% of our "problems" are caused by NTs trying to "help" us by making us like them.