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Lurk Hurk Gurk:

perhaps you can get yourself some poontang advice around the different forums here.

my suggestion for the first time is to not look for love and sex, just look for sex.  any slut will do.

Lurk Hurk Gurk:
Should I begin to get desperate, that's what I will do.

I don't expect to find any love, anyway, something that might be for the best. While I have no direct experience, from many observations of others, it seems relationships very seldom last, and very seldom turn out well in the end. The longer it takes, the harder they blow up in the face of those involved, who seem to, near the beginning of every relationship, convince themselves that they have found "The One", a mistake they repeat over and over again until they finally get across the minefield, assuming they do, often scarred for life in one way or another.

Apart from that, even good relationships often seem to come at a significant cost, and as I have no actual need for social contact, altought I enjoy it under the right conditions, I doubt even a "successful" relationship would be worth it unless it were extraordinarily good.

Should I get the opportunity of an extraordinary (and so it would be, in more than one way >:D) relationship, I would however give it a try.

How do You like Intensity2 sense You have been here?

Lurk Hurk Gurk:
It seems to be a pretty good forum. There are some things I plan to post as soon as I think of a good way to put them, the responses of which I will have to see before knowing for sure, though.


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