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--- Quote from: McJagger on September 13, 2006, 09:06:54 AM ---maybe that is why i didn't pursue that line of questioning.

hey wait, no i didn't.  i asked you about the size of your cups.  we were talking about jack daniels.

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I thought that was just your cover story ;)

could have been.

this is nice, we are showing f-yu that an ask away thread could and will be hijacked, from time to time.


--- Quote from: McJagger on September 13, 2006, 09:11:15 AM ---could have been.

this is nice, we are showing f-yu that an ask away thread could and will be hijacked, from time to time.

--- End quote ---

Yeah, but better come up with some questions too.

How would you describe your sexual orientation fluffylover?

Lurk Hurk Gurk:

--- Quote from: McJagger on September 13, 2006, 08:55:04 AM ---fully erect, how long is your penis?

--- End quote ---
20.3cm (or 8.0 inches, for those still using that ancient system)

--- Quote from: purposefulinsanity on September 13, 2006, 09:13:48 AM ---How would you describe your sexual orientation fluffylover?

--- End quote ---
Heterosexual and nearly fully imagination (and anime; there is nothing like well-drawn, well-animated and well-voiced hentai. it is one of the few things I, for my own amusement, concider holy) oriented; apart from the occasional, very brief burst of attraction resulting from my imagination semi-subconsciously getting involved and prettying things up, I have yet to find a real-life person significantly attractive. Upon closer examination (not that close, mind you. I have yet to get such an opportunity), all there is to see is a (picture of a) lump of flesh forming a shape largely corresponding to some kind of ideal hard-wired into my brain, but covered with billions of tiny imperfections (as all relatively complex life is) ruining the whole.

are you sexually experienced?


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