Author Topic: Ask me a stupid question, I'll give you a stupid answer :P  (Read 8027 times)

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Re: Ask me a stupid question, I'll give you a stupid answer :P
« Reply #75 on: October 24, 2006, 01:00:30 AM »
If you had a car that could do the speed of light, what would happen if you turned the headlights on??

Getting a bit ahead of you I don't think you even could turn your headlights on, wouldn't your car be just about at a vapor state at that point not only from traveling at photon speed but even just getting hit with all that dark energy, dark matter, and asteroid dust circulating around? I kinda wonder about what that would do the flow of electricity as well, probably stop it cold and make your battery blow up.
what if you could travel at the speed of sound.

would you be able to caution with a blast of the horn.  or would it be too late?

Well, a little faster and you'd have a good sonic boom - though breaking Mach 1 supposedly close to as loud as breaking mach 2 and mach 3 - don't know if the decibles multiply on a straight method or exponentially but I'm sure it would be a fun factoid to get our hands on.
Born into this world for one inherent purpose: to drop science and drop it heavy.