you seem to be under the impression that trans people choose hormones and/or surgery because of other people's perception of them/
That is all gender is about, perception, so yes they do.
I thought it would be more for attaining physical identity compatible to the psychological self-image of their gender in most cases. Basically the mind thinks it is a specific gender intrinsically, but is alienated by it's own physical form not matching it's mental profile. 
Your physical identity is all based on how you perceive yourself lol. The entire concept of gender is created by human society and so are the gender roles.
They just want to "pass" as the other gender. They want to be seen and identified by other humans as a man or woman, when they were born as the opposite sex (but want to be identified with the gender opposite of what is normally associated with their sex). This is all perception, how they perceive themselves and how other people perceive them. They want to be seen, identified, etc as something that they are not. That is why they are delusional.