It is not a putdown nor naysaying. It is meant. You have put up with a lot of shit and will continue to. You will have to cop most of it sweet. You will hurt some people by your actions and probably physically and emotionally go through hell over this.
To go through all of this I hope for your sake that you get where you have plotted your course. I hope that you get a place in your life where your body, mind and aspirations find some measure of content and equilibrium. God knows you have put in the hard yards here.
I know you didn't mean it as a putdown or slight, and I didn't see that way. But it is a question I've had to answer (and ask!) more times than I care to count. So I snap a bit 
I do, also, hope I get where I want to be, but I feel that I will. It'll just take time and effort. (And far too much money...
Oh hell I did not think you were snapping at me. I just know how blunt and tactless I am and know that this is a sensitive subject so I am trying to reclarify to make sure that nothing is read into things that plain is not there. I would probably not get you snapping at me in any case.
I don't understand your decision to go down this path. I have no term of reference and it is alien to me.
I don't understand the pleasure you would seek to be in being a woman. Makes not the slightest sense to me.
I don't even get on with you a lot of the time.
But you are certainly making the effort and I can not doubt your desire or commitment and I think that all of us ought to have the right to get reward for effort and happiness in our lives. Life is hard enough and I do respect people having to work through difficult things.
I do worry for Ren. It is a crappy and hard time for both of you and I don't want either of you hurt anymore than you both are over this. Call me soft. I don't care.