how have reactions to your being trans been irl btw? do you get comments off people when you go out or are you not openly trans in public?
I'm not exactly open about being trans in public. I don't pass as a woman. I wear some feminine clothing items, but I don't dress as a woman. Not yet. I'll wait until hormones have had more of an effect before I push forward in that are.
also (again this might not apply if you're not openly trans in public) how do you deal with the awkward situations? such as when someone assumes they've offended you by mistaking your sex and then get all uncomfortable about it.. or when someone seems confused about what gender you are... have you had that yet? that is a problem for me at uni mainly
That would mostly happen online, where I
am out about who and what I am. But it doesn't really happen much online. I imagine it will happen irl eventually.
btw a good thing i've noticed about your whole approach (how it comes across to me anyway) is that you seem fairly confident and secure about who you are yourself. that will help if/when you start getting all the awkward stuff i think - online you come across as fairly strong about the whole thing i mean, whereas irl my social anxiety probably makes me come across as fairly weak/insecure about it, and people pick up on that.
Oh I have doubts. About a great many things. I sometimes doubt my autism, my transness, my ADHD, I even doubt me in general. But really there comes a point where you need to stop wavering and start doing something, anything.
You're not the first who has said I seem more confident...
Will you have to get a job to pay for the parts you have to pay for yourself?
I'm currently looking for a job.
What kind of job?
Any kind of job really. I mean within reason, it's obvious that I could not perform adequately in a labour intensive job, not at my current level of fitness. Which I do aim to improve.
In a perfect world I'd prefer some job where I don't have to deal with many people, and all I do is solve problems, preferably computer based.
Also I do have aims to go to Uni to study teaching. (I may have said that already

I'm panromantic, heteroattracted asexual (if you go by my current body, homoattracted if you use my gender). But it's also possible that I'm only asexual because of body dysphoria. It's not the right body so I can't fathom having sex with it.
But even then...I don't think sex would ever be a big deal to me.
As a girl I'm gay and I doubt that will change, but I am open to the possibility of also being attracted to some men. I don't know how likely that is, but hopes it's not likely. But I'm still open minded.
I wondered the same thing since you came out as trans. It surprises me that you don't know, either, though I suppose you have know way of knowing until you actually have made the change to the degree of completion that you want to.
What do you mean?
Oh hey. Cool.