You didn't talk about religion much in my house when growing up.

My grandmother (dad's mom) was a big believer. My grandfather was diagnosed with lukemia when my dad was in his teens, my grandmother would hide money under the rug every month to mail to Oral Roberts for a "cure" while they did without, my grandfather would find it and all hell would break loose. So my father had quite an averision to organized religion.
Both my parents encouraged me to explore though when I became curious about it in my teens. I went to a few churches where they talked in tongues and rolled around on the floor, and shunned the rest of the population because "they were all going to hell." Went to the catholic church for awhile, explored the Methodists. Found too many hidden games of politics, and too many hippocrites.
I think the final straw was when I married my ex. MIL, & him were always quoting crap to me, because I didn't do as I "was told". Didn't matter that captain logic wasn't exactly piloting the tugboat.
Never really had it though, I've always had a hard time believing in things I can't see or prove for myself. I remember when I was 4 meeting another kid that had an imaginary "friend", I thought "this is cool, maybe if I imagine one enough, I can have one too"...that lasted about a week until I found out it doesn't work that way and it just seemed silly going around trying to imagine someone that wasn't there.