I got Balls Of Steel(TM) and Tim_Tex has a mangina!

Anyway, Tim_Tex has been on Wrong Planet for too long, spamming the boards with "Welcome to WP!" and his short and pointless posts and he constantly WHINES over and over again about not getting a woman, but he never takes anyone's advice! He just keeps on posting to inflate his post count and his ego! Over 30,000 posts mostly consisting of either only a few words or whining. And he hasn't been banned for SPAMMING!
Sign this petition to get Tim_Tex banned from WP!
After about 20 signatures, I will present this to Alex Plank and hopefully, Tim_Tex will walk the plank! Haha!
-Who signed this petition-DukeNukem
McFiona (the only reason he signed this is because he still refuses to come out of the closet about his love for Tim_Tex)