i am happy as hell that i have been starting topics that others find offensive. i am happy to be excluded from the current cliques of this forum. i mean: it must be positive that i must be moving in the right direction since you are all social retards.
Oh really? Would you mind telling me who is in which clique, because I have no flamin' idea. You're not wrong about the social-retard thing. I could be in a clique
myself and not even realise it! Unnamed Deity forbid that I should feel socially-aligned to anyone else, ever.
Keep starting those offensive topics! Debate keeps the brain alive!
Really, though: Sometimes I agree with what other posters say; sometimes I don't. I post and karma-point accordingly. If a poster comes up with a statement I find amusing, provocative, annoying, entertaining, disturbing or whatever, I'll say what I damn-well think. If I have no particular interest, I'll say nothing at all. If that makes me a cliqueuse in anyone's eyes, so be it.