Just wanted to clarify something, if the title wasn't too much of a giveaway. I'm on the admin team primarily as the developer/tech support guy. I really don't want to be the one who is taking charge, and trying to tell people how stuff should be done - thats you three's prerogative. As far as the boards go, its not my place to be saying how they are run, except for technical/hosting issues which directly affect us. I'm sure there are some people here who look at my involvement as a power grab, and it bloody isn't. I think as far as that goes people need to be clear of the limited extent of my role - I've crashed the party a bit as it is.
On an unrelated note, the site will be going offline in a couple of hours so I can shift it without losing posts, I'll keep that to a minimum, probably about an hour.

Dunc as not a site admin, just the techie