Dexamphetamine, Cymbalta and calcium supplement.
I should stop posting in here because I take the same things all the time.
Did you stop taking Haldol?
Is that what it is called there? Here, haloperidol is called Serenace. I still take it at night, along with lamotrigine. Which has reminded me that I ought to go and take it now.
I think it's called Haldol here. My grandmother used to take it.
What did your grandmother take it for?
She had Alzheimer's.
My Nanna does too and I think she takes some sort of antipsychotic as well. I swore I would never take another antipsychotic but I got sucked back into taking them.
It does not mean that you are psychotic just because you take anti-psychotic medication. They have more uses than just that, like for depression, anxiety, or Alzheimer's.