When you read of someone else's impending hip surgery and realise that it's only a matter of time until you are there too.
I've known that it is very likely to be my fate since I was 20. But, it always was something for when I was really old.........
Is it empathy, coincidence, the weather, or just bound to be, that my hip is nagging today. 
It has behaved well for such a long time that I almost forgot about it being a pain now and then.
What's wrong with your hip? 
Mild hip dysplasia. Genetic condition that runs in my family from my mothers side.
When I was a baby that wasn't something they checked on by default. Now they do, especially when it runs in the family. My oldest has had treatment for it.
My Grandmother, I can't remember having seen her without a cane. My Mum is getting the wobbly walk my Grandmother had. And I have had problems now and then with my hip, that stem from this. Dancing classes for me, when I was four, to teach me to lift my right foot well. They tried fixing things with putting blocks under my right shoes at age 13. May have made some difference. When I was pregnant with the oldest, it was really bad. Now it most of the times my hip acts very well. Sometimes it just makes itself known in a sore way, telling it is still there. Nothing dramatic though, but, that could very well change.