A husband and wife are trying to set up a new password for their computer. The husband puts, "Mypenis," and the wife falls on the ground laughing because on the screen it says, "Error. Not long enough."
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Realizing the 1990s was 30 years ago.
When you watch a few commercials for new medications and they present this monstrously long list of side effects ...... and as unrelated as most of them seem, you think, "Wait, I already have all those as symptoms! Why in Hell do I need to take another pill for all that?"
Quote from: DirtDawg on December 02, 2022, 08:55:41 PMWhen you watch a few commercials for new medications and they present this monstrously long list of side effects ...... and as unrelated as most of them seem, you think, "Wait, I already have all those as symptoms! Why in Hell do I need to take another pill for all that?" I remember being really surprised that the USA advertises medication. Sure, here in Australia I've seen ads for Panadol (paracetamol) and Gaviscon (for reflux) but ads for antipsychotics and antidepressants? I'm wondering what kind of effect that has on the public and the sales of those medications.