... you suddenly realize most of your furniture is ugly shabby hand-me-down shite,
and that you want some nicer things before you die, so you'd better get on that pronto,
because time's a-wasting and ya never know.

So, visit more second hand shops, and when you are drawn to a chair, a table, or something like that, buy it and throw out a thing you do not like. Don't buy anything anymore that does not make you happy. Only go for things that do make you happy.
I've been doing that for a while now. And I love the gradual changes. All stuff still is pre-loved. But all is quality I like to have around me. Still things to change. But I will, I'm not in a hurry.
Have been doing the same with my clothes. Started three years ago with that I think. Started carefully, but not anymore. I want clothes that are both pretty and comfy. And I will not settle for less. And all second hand, not costly. Only takes a good spin in the washing machine before I will wear it.
I don't want to go back to only buying clothes when I desperately needed something new, and then settling for the first reasonable option. I'm too old to settle for less than pretty and comfy.
Edited to fix quoting gone wrong.