I know Callaway is a crap parent 
Otherwise why would she spend so much time on an internet forum whilst having a severely autistic child? 
how can you know that for certain. you don't know nor live in her situation.
Obviously, Bint couldn't know this. She's just trying to insult me with anything she can think of.
Actually, I'm a very good parent.
Most of the time I spend online is while my daughter is in school, in bed, or otherwise engaged.
I spend a lot of time with her and play with her and teach her all sorts of things. Her needs always come first. My current job started out as me volunteering to ride back and forth with her every day to a special school about an hour and a half away from our home so she could successfully attend a better school for autistic children than the schools which are available in our school district. It's a long drive for her and about twice as long for me, but I think the school is worth it.
I understand how easy it is for parents to baby their special needs children too much and I don't think that implies that they are crap parents either. I learned to do many things for myself when I was younger and intended to teach my children the same independence I had learned, but when my daughter was younger, I think I babied her a little too much. I visited my brother and I was surprised to see how many things his children had learned to do for themselves. His son is seven months older than my daughter and his daughter is three years younger. I realized then that I needed to teach her to do much more for herself, so I have been teaching her more and more things ever since.
When I teach my daughter how to do things that will help her become more independent when she's an adult, I explain that she's lucky to have a mom who teaches her how to do these things for herself now so she can take care of herself when she grows up. She's proud that she is so grown up that she has learned how to do things that some 18 year olds don't know how to do yet.