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it used to be that....

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--- Quote from: odeon on January 25, 2010, 05:39:31 PM ---So what did you just do?

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Reply to your post  :zoinks:

I think its better if you keep real personal inults out of it.  And all "he said, she said".  If you're having a disagreement with someone about someone on a topic, keep it there.  Don't go chasing them, and trying to find a way of getting under their skin.  Its mentally exhausting.  Fun to watch, but you'll wear yourself's out.  

Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: Bint on January 25, 2010, 05:42:40 PM ---
--- Quote from: odeon on January 25, 2010, 05:39:31 PM ---So what did you just do?

--- End quote ---

Reply to your post  :zoinks:

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: Bint on January 25, 2010, 05:42:40 PM ---Nothing others hadn't tried on me or Soph before  :thumbup:

--- End quote ---

Come on Bint you fucking idiot. Are you that stupid or are you just being obtuse?

The situation of you and I is you and I throwing insults at each other. It is fun for both of us. Some are humourous and some are mean. Same with your equally stupid girlfriend/boyfriend Soph.

So don't try to pretend it is the same as with Callaway. You are going after her with obsessional lust and you are not giving it back to her and don't pretend it is the same. Far as I know apart from agreeing with some posters points that you don't agree with and answering a couple of charges you made to her, she hasn't don't anything to you for all that you are going after. That is the truth of it ...isn't it Bint.

Question is why are you pretending it is a similar situation to your situation with me or your situation with anyone elsde and why are you pretending to justify yourself or play the victim. Pretty stupid huh?

Are u really this dumb or do u pretend to be stupid for entertainment value?

When I first joined here, I2 did seem rather tame in comparison to what I heard back when I was on WP.

Let me put it this way, some people on WP back then, made it sounds like a slightly tame version of 4chan.


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