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it used to be that....

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Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: McLovin on January 25, 2010, 10:44:33 AM ---
--- Quote from: Sir_Les_Patterson on January 25, 2010, 10:35:42 AM ---
--- Quote from: McLovin on January 25, 2010, 10:32:52 AM ---was i pointing a finger.

i thought i was asking a question.

the problems, i think, are when the pool pissers are the only ones who remain at the party.  perhaps they have lasting power because of drugs or whatever.

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Really and you have not noticed I put shit on them every chance I get? (Course nowdays everyone bitches about the Les vs Soph/Bint like it is a bad thing and say that three months of "squabbling" is long enough.),12633.0.html

and hey have a look at about every thread around this time too.

The retards don't get it. How they remain Elders I dunno.

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  you are taking my post personally.  did i specifically call you out?

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Nah. I have a middle ear infection and am up at 4 am my time waiting for painkiller to set in. I am just being crabby.

no problem.  i have a hard time taking things personally.  so i am not bothered.  just responding

Al Swearegen:

--- Quote from: McLovin on January 25, 2010, 10:48:53 AM ---from reading his responses to you i wouldn't call it obsessed, rather i think it is preturbed.

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Nah. I like most of the crew here and have no real issue. These two I have no time for. Therefore I don't feel the slightest bit bad putting shit on them. They are both fuckwits and deserve no respect or well-wishing so I have fun. They react and it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling inside. That they have no respect for the place or its members helps me feel better about putting shit on them. It is kind of a hobby. It is purely for my own enjoyment.


--- Quote from: Sir_Les_Patterson on January 25, 2010, 10:57:27 AM ---I don't feel the slightest bit bad putting shit on them.
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if you disagree with them then this is your duty.

if someone disagrees with me then i would hope that they would call me on my shit

Me and Bint are gonna meet up for lunch soon.  Soph can come too.  I will put my calming effect on them.  They will come back to the forums, rehabilitated.


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