You think that means someone's obsessed with you? 
It's not hard to press the ghey button
I don't read all your posts callaway or respond to everything you say. That would be more of a sign that I'm obsessed with you. I don't like how you are on these forums and think the whole "psycho-gheying" thing is funny, so I do it. I don't hate you though as I don't really feel that strongly about you. I just dislike the way you are on here from what I've seen.
You can think I'm obsessed with you though if you like. You come across as very autistic to me (nothing wrong with that obviously, but that would explain it). I dont think you are very good at reading people.
If you were gheying some of my posts once in a while, then I would agree that you weren't obsessed, but when you do it for weeks on end then you certainly are obsessed with me.
I think that you are correct that it makes absolutely no difference who here is more or less autistic than anyone else, but I don't believe that I am among the most autistic of people here, I believe that you are.
I earned a BS degree and a MS degree in Chemical Engineering and made pretty good grades with no accomodations while you say you struggle with your university courses.
I have lived alone and I have done my own laundry and cleaning and made my own telephone calls and pretty much everything else for myself since I was younger than you are, while you live with your parents and your mother does everything for you as if you were much younger. Honestly, I don't believe she is doing you any favors babying you, because one day she will be gone and you will need to know how to do things for yourself. That's why my 13 year old daughter knows how to do her own laundry and wash dishes and scrub toilets and tubs, because I want her to know how to be as independent as possible when she grows up.
You don't think I read people well, but I read them well enough be in a committed long term relationship while you have never been in a relationship, as far as I know.