Black and white thinkers suck.
Do I fail the "literal thinking at all times with no variation or flexibility at all EVARRRR" test if I find that statement amusing? 
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FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUU- is there any way to stop it doing that?
Black and white thinkers suck because they don't ever listen to other people, they are arrogant, narrow minded and ignorant, they don't ever want to be corrected, they argue with you until you agree with them, they don't shut up until you agree and they shove it in your face. I had an ex like that and my other ex was very ignorant and shallow, judgmental, never listened to me when I correct him. He was just stupid. My dad even has a cousin who is black and white and ugh she is so judgmental and always thinks she's right. She makes a false assumption and she won't want to hear your side of the story or when you try and correct her because she says she doesn't need to hear your hearsay or excuse. My mom says she thinks like an aspie but no way do I think like her and I'm the one with the condition. So that's why I'm a black and white hater.
If you are this above, you do suck.