
i have some grey area between my left ball and inner thigh. should i worry?
If it's grey hair, just shave the entire undercarriage region. If it's grey skin, start worrying.
Hmm, 2 new members, and returning faces. I smell rats 
You smell incorrectly. I had no idea this forum existed until earlier today when, feeling increasingly weirded out by the Stockholm syndrome I seemed to be developing after just a few days of exposure to Wrong Planet, I decided to Google the phrase "trolling wrongplanet", and a link to a thread here was on the first page.
It's nice to find an AS site that doesn't require members to curb their language and post content in case somebody's precious little crotch droppings see it and get corrupted. Having no desire to have any children of my own, I am fucked if I'm going to raise other people's for them. If people don't want their children to see nasty things they should have kept their fucking legs shut. Not having the word "aspie" in the site name helps too. I
hate that word.
Warning - while you were typing 4 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post. The person referring to FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUU- is correct. It originated on 4chan.