So many traits, can relate to me, used to be a lot like me, he is scared he could have it.
I ask him "What is there to be afraid of?"
"Then there be another thing wrong with me"
I tell him "Even if you do have it, you still have it before the label."
"I am not paying any money for any label and tests, that be a waste of money."
I tell him his brain damage could be the cause of his traits and he says "brain damage don't cause it, traits run in my family."
Not a big deal if he does or not. I don't know if he has it or not so it's easier to say he doesn't have it. I call him aspie like instead because of so many traits. But he lacks meltdowns, stimming unless you want to count him tapping his feet, inflexibility which he had in his childhood, motor mannerisms. But he is less aspie than me.
He calls himself an aspie to turn me on since I'm aspiesexual. He isn't self diagnosed. He doesn't want it and doesn't want to know.