tempranillo again, ozy!
you are a baaaaaaad influence on me.

Moi, MOI, but you are the temptress of the ASpie elite.
Since today is the day the world was graced with my presence, I am indulging in Cream Sherry. 
i'm not in the aspie elite. 
but it's your birthday! 
wish i'd known earlier - i would've knitted you a pressie. 
but have these, as a consolation prize:

and, of course:

To be honest, I treat my birthday as just another day and I hate the fuss about it. I have mentioned to Callaway that I didn't want that info shared on other forums except for the ones we shared membership in. BUT, thanks for the thoughts. Now I have achieved a point where let the info be known. I am an old coot and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. 53 fucking years, I never expected to be alive, let alone living the decent life that I am living atm. I take each year, month, week, day as a gift from the the Great Old Ones.
Fuck the proverbial

, here I am and the people who wrote me off, (seriously there were people who said I was worthless and useless to my face) can go FUCK THEMSELVES, LEO ALIX, BURN IN HELL, your dead, I'm still alive and THRIVING!

End rant!