I read Latin imperfectly. Is he basically saying, "Don't let the NT bastards grind you down?"
No, better: "Besides, I think that the neurotypical should be destroyed". It's a paraphrase on Cato the Elder's "Praeterea censeo Cartaginem esse delendam"; "Besides, I think that Cartago should be destroyed", which was the phrase that he always ended his speech in the Roman Senate with. 
OK I recognize it now. And when Carthage was conquered, he said "Kartago (or Carthago) delenda est."
I dig Cato. Especially because he was learning to speak, read and write Greek when he was 80 years old. When a friend asked him why he was taking on such arduous mental work at his age, he is supposed to have replied, "This is the youngest age I have left."