Mezcal is in hand, but WTF is going on with the moon or what ever brings out the werefags. The place was crawling with unusual, not-from these-parts nuthatch escapees. Made me feel "regular."

I don't know why you insist on living in small town Indiana, when there's so many places around the country where you would fit in much better. Unless you just enjoy being the misfit.

I don't understand you at all, here.
I'm not particularly in favor of having feet, either, but I have them, so I accept it. My hair grows really fast and so do my nails, so I have to cut them. They always grow back, though. Nothing I can do about it - kind of like being a misfit. I echo other people all the time, but I am always reminded that it's just an echo and there may not be a real me.
What are you talking about?
... or name a place I would fit in (I've probably been there).
It's not a statement about you, as much as it is a statement about where you live. As Frank Zappa says, "You are what you is".
Small towns in the Midwest tend to not tollerate those who march to the beat of their own drum very well. At least that's been my experience.
IMO I think you would be more at home on the outskirts of a large coastal city with an eclectic atmoshpere. Somewhere where you could find more like-minded people.
Thats what I thought too. Until I learned, I can be myself anywhere I go. Small towns in MAine can be pretty intolerant too, despite what you hear about the liberal northeast. Even along the coast. It all depends upon whether you need a few or a lot of people to associate with. IMO, and experiences cities can be the "loneliest" places to live in. But, thats just me!
No, Ozy, It's not just you.
I think that being who WE are, no matter where WE are is a sign of strength.
If I am contravened in some legitimate way or even if I suffer impugn, I am usually enlivened, invoked, provoked, or simply enticed firmly onto a determinate course. I am not so fatiguable when I feel a reasoned protest to my actions or demeanor. This self assured grit has brought me past many rough places in the past.
I am not igneous rock, unchangeable without breaking, though. I am sandstone gathered through the accumulation of many mistakes.