Author Topic: what are you drinking right now?  (Read 151377 times)

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Re: what are you drinking right now?
« Reply #3990 on: July 24, 2007, 07:51:43 AM »
looks like I2 is healthy for the liver. :angel:

I still reckon it should come with a health warning, a free supply of condoms and numbers of the nearest clap clinic.  :laugh:


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Re: what are you drinking right now?
« Reply #3991 on: July 24, 2007, 11:50:55 AM »
beer. :beer:


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Re: what are you drinking right now?
« Reply #3992 on: July 24, 2007, 12:40:39 PM »

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Re: what are you drinking right now?
« Reply #3993 on: July 24, 2007, 06:33:16 PM »

I liquified a four inch jalapeno, a handful of cilantro, two fingers of absinthe (fresh, raw), half a lime (skin and all), half an onion, and heaping pinches of cumin and sea salt in a blender with a quart of Clamato.
I'm drinking a virgin Blooddy Mary that makes you sweat!
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Re: what are you drinking right now?
« Reply #3994 on: July 25, 2007, 05:06:09 AM »
woah. :yikes:

:coffee: and diet coke.  :yawn:

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Re: what are you drinking right now?
« Reply #3995 on: July 25, 2007, 10:13:30 AM »
Green tea leaves in water, not brewed. I  Also drank rooibos and chamomile herbs.
Biggest bullshitter on the web, the person who is says that is a jealous wanker who needs some personal devolpement.

Spread your legs woman!

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: what are you drinking right now?
« Reply #3996 on: July 25, 2007, 10:34:46 AM »
Green tea leaves in water, not brewed. I  Also drank rooibos and chamomile herbs.
Do any of these herbs have special properties?

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Re: what are you drinking right now?
« Reply #3997 on: July 25, 2007, 10:54:04 AM »
"I think everybody has an asshole component to their personality. It's just a matter of how much you indulge it. Those who do it often form a habit. So like any addiction, you have to learn to overcome it."
~Lord Phlexor

"Sometimes stepping on one's own dick is a memorable learning experience."

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Re: what are you drinking right now?
« Reply #3998 on: July 25, 2007, 10:56:24 AM »

like what? :P

Had a stressful, noisy day with the kids yesterday so by the time they'd gone to bed I felt like I was screaming inside- surprisingly one drink and half an hour to myself was enough to level me out again.

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Re: what are you drinking right now?
« Reply #3999 on: July 25, 2007, 11:17:22 AM »
Strong green tea should not be drank in excessive quantites other wise hyperfluorosis may devolpe.  Flouride levels reach a peak at six minutes of brewing time, and five minutes for caffeine.  After ten minutes tannins, potential antixoidant compounds with astringent taste come out.  Strong green tea has an average of 1.65mg of flouride in it, and the upper limit is 10mg therefore I suggest not drinking more than 3 cups of strong brewed green tea.  There is also flouride in vegetables and fruits.  Strong green tea has antidiarreha affects and kills microbes.  Black tea has more caffeine than green tea.  Strong brewed green tea can have 100mg of caffeine in it, and at 1000mg you may devolpe diahrreha and a low assoicated with depleted norepinephrine levels, a the brain's adrenal. You need tryosine and or phennalnye or what ever to make that nuerotransmitter.  Green tea taken on an empty stomach best promotes detoxification, and with meals weight loss as it blocks the digestion of carbohydrates and fat.  You shit em out!  Chamomile has components that stimulate a harmone that rejuvinates hair, and chamomile is good for overall skin health.  Chamomile is recommended against yeat infections also, but too much whole herb causes you to throw up unlike tea with no limits on use. Rooibos has 50 times the antioxidant capacity of green tea with its high levels of Superoxide dimutease or whatever.

Does that answer your question?
Biggest bullshitter on the web, the person who is says that is a jealous wanker who needs some personal devolpement.

Spread your legs woman!

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: what are you drinking right now?
« Reply #4000 on: July 25, 2007, 11:54:16 AM »
Strong green tea should not be drank in excessive quantites other wise hyperfluorosis may devolpe.  Flouride levels reach a peak at six minutes of brewing time, and five minutes for caffeine.  After ten minutes tannins, potential antixoidant compounds with astringent taste come out.  Strong green tea has an average of 1.65mg of flouride in it, and the upper limit is 10mg therefore I suggest not drinking more than 3 cups of strong brewed green tea.  There is also flouride in vegetables and fruits.  Strong green tea has antidiarreha affects and kills microbes.  Black tea has more caffeine than green tea.  Strong brewed green tea can have 100mg of caffeine in it, and at 1000mg you may devolpe diahrreha and a low assoicated with depleted norepinephrine levels, a the brain's adrenal. You need tryosine and or phennalnye or what ever to make that nuerotransmitter.  Green tea taken on an empty stomach best promotes detoxification, and with meals weight loss as it blocks the digestion of carbohydrates and fat.  You shit em out!  Chamomile has components that stimulate a harmone that rejuvinates hair, and chamomile is good for overall skin health.  Chamomile is recommended against yeat infections also, but too much whole herb causes you to throw up unlike tea with no limits on use. Rooibos has 50 times the antioxidant capacity of green tea with its high levels of Superoxide dimutease or whatever.

Does that answer your question?
Yes, to be precise. More than really...


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Re: what are you drinking right now?
« Reply #4001 on: July 26, 2007, 04:55:35 AM »
Dr Pepper- I need all the caffeine I can get this morning  :yawn:

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Re: what are you drinking right now?
« Reply #4002 on: July 26, 2007, 04:59:01 AM »
Now pouring glass of wine to ensure that I am suitably calm for the inevitable.

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Re: what are you drinking right now?
« Reply #4003 on: July 26, 2007, 05:09:21 AM »
I'm currently drinking Swedish beer. Mariestad's, to be more exact. Alcohol lvl. 5.3%, according to the can.
Den som läser detta är dum.

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Re: what are you drinking right now?
« Reply #4004 on: July 26, 2007, 05:10:39 AM »
I'm currently drinking Swedish beer. Mariestad's, to be more exact. Alcohol lvl. 5.3%, according to the can.
Hand me a carton.  I'm going to need it!