Having another beer tasting evening.

Tonight's beers -
Shepherd Neame Spitfire - Decent, orangey, bittersweet premium bitter, but nowt special, especially considering some of their other brews.

Fuller's London Pride - Tasty, balanced, hoppy, smooth premium bitter. More like it. London Pride pwns Spitfire.

Weihenstephaner Kristall Weissbier - Oo oo ooo! *regains power of speech* Super-dee-duper, as that annoying purple dinosaur cunt would say. I likey this fucker, and will be buying it again, and seeking out the Hefe version. Seriously fucking good - everything about this Bavarian wheat beer screams class.

Leffe Brune - nice, spicy, easy drinking Belgian dubbel. Had it before, not exactly hard to find but tasty.

Now supping - Belhaven Twisted Thistle IPA. Smells like an explosion in a hop warehouse, tastes like an IPA should. Nice one.

Better make this one the last, before folk think I drink a lot of beer again.