I dunno why so many people in the deep south are religious, its not really got anything to do with the holy lands And they seem to take the bible out of context. But then again, I think most people do, I think its all bullshit. There's so many different styles of christianity. Some people say pay no attention to the old testament.
I would say the fundamentalists take the Bible more for what it is than anyone else. Most religious people do not read the Bible as intensely as they do, and focus on the scriptures in their totality as far as how they should be interpreted. There are many exhaustive Bible studies out there, and not as much of it is taken out of context as you would like. Most of the denominations are full of idiots that pick and choose scriptures to fit their needs. There should be no women preachers, that isn't taken out of context, it is a fact. Same goes for any sex outside of marriage, but people aren't clear on that one either. None of this matters if you are not Christian, of course. The Bible isn't really that difficult of a read, but it has more interpretations than Islam. It has been changed a lot more than the Quran too. The Catholic Church is such a fucking joke, it only exists because people are too damn stupid to really read the Bible themselves. There would be a lot less Christians if they actually read the damn book and realized how fucking stupid it is.
The fact that it is taken out of or in context is not really relevant. The fact that the religion is bullshit, regardless of what context you take the scriptures in, is relevant.