Nice.....iron Maiden. Metal is good.
I got the Ramones pinhead skull. I also have the Scorpio glyph on my upper left arm. I have a couple horrible home made hack jobs too. One of an upside down cross on my leg and an anarchy symbol when I was a teen and in my vegan-atheist-radical days.
I recently have Johnny's Ramones initials branded into my wrist from a personal ceremony I did a couple months ago. I have the words "Gabba Gabba hey!" tattooed on my leg with indian ink. Since I was 20 ive been fascinated by Ramones lol.
I hide these home made things. Only a couple people know they exist. I'm not gonna do any more.
Lets just look at my skull. My mom hates it. If she saw ""The gabba gabba what the fuck"on my leg she would have to go to the hospital to be revived.