nono, im fascinated by obscurity, and poland is definitely... osbcure

other than the german occupation, and smoldering people not much is known about poland. nowadays we got polish carpenters, who build for shit, but at least you barely have to pay them. a bottle of vodka and theyre happy, but dont expect your balcony to support your weight

obviously, norwegians have a love hate relationship to polish laborers "it was SO cheap! but unfortunately grandfather died when the house collapsed."
i got a whole bunch of poles next door here, all guys, all old, all carpenters, all alkies AND, most hilariously, theyre anti-immigration

i usually avoid them, cus im aspie, and they love to chat, but another aspie friend of mine insisted on stopping to greet and chat (to mess w me), while we chatted there was a sudden series of sharp bangs nearby "Bang! Bang bang bang! Bang!"
now, in norway this is ANYTHING but a shootout

so as a joke i went "dont worry, its just the local mob."
they didnt laugh