Ban tv and public transportation. Enough is enough. We've seen how well this works for us. Ive described myself as "anarcho-primitivist" before, and every time jackasses tell me "well them go live in the woods then, you idealist crybaby!"
heres why i wont go live in the woods:
1. primitive humans in norway never lived "in the woods" they lived in huts and caves.
2. as long as im the only one doing it, i would simply be a jackass. it would only make sense if _everyone else_ does it too, if it becomes _culture_ to live in huts and caves.
if it gets banned, all of it, tv and internet taken away from ALL of us, it would be much easyer to accept. dont you think? back to hunting and foraging, and quit your whining, you ALL can do it! LITTLE KIDS mentally re-adapt to a natural disaster in a day, meaning, they adapt their minds from living in a town, to living in mud, in notime.
its just a matter of tuning your mind into it.
i say we know what we need now. we can worship black holes and the big bang, we KNOW we're never gonna get there. we tried, we tasted, we saw how it worked, now we can go back to being human again. no more progression. lets just be monkeys