I don't think she looks old.
I think it's good when people put pictures of themselves in their avatar, as I like having a vague idea of who I'm talking to. To me odeon looks like John Lennon, which is weird.
The only problem I had with cockneyrebel was that she would come to zomg to say how much she hated alex and wrongplanet all the time, then go on there and moan about zomg. I don't mind people moaning about me or my site, but fucking hell, it annoys me when people aren't straight about things and you can't genuinely change your mind THAT often

I've used pictures of myself as my avatar loads of times and I'm not exactly good-looking. I'm not fat though and I don't think I'm proper ugly in the repulsive face kinda way
What's shittier is people who just don't have any avatar at all. I usually don't notice people if they don't have an avatar.
Do you want to know why I am typing out a big massive post? It is because I'm putting off doing something I should have done ages ago... and it is much easier to type shit for you retards to read