Guess everyone will have to do it the old fashioned way 
Its inefficient though - the cuckoo knows best.
In what way? Apart from people having trouble conceiving that is.
Or are you thinking about sperming the world?
If say 100 or so Aspie males were to walk into UK sperm banks and each make a donation, not only does it take them just an afternoon, but when they get caught, the media coverage could be quite explosive.
What if they don't get caught. And, very hypothetically, those hundred men have very effective sperm, resulting in a thousand ASD babies. Babies for big part born in families without any idea of ASD. With no quirky relatives. Major part of a thousand babies born in an environment that will mean utter seclusion for them. Is that worth it? And then, on top of that, their social parents, and the kids themselves, realising after a few years, that they exist because of some action, started on some ASD forum, to get more ASD awareness.
Sorry, you're dealing with people here. Parents who will be at a loss about their child. Children estranged from their parents with who they share nothing of their quirkyness. Cruel plan of action. Very cruel.
And what if they do get caught. Hell talk about stigmatising people with ASD. From then on, people will connect Aspergers with this group of a hundred men, trying to sneak their sperm into a sperm bank. And it will not go down well. It will only harm the cause you say you stand for.