For gosh sakes, Trig,
don't tell the lasses that you're filming in HD! You know how girls are. They get soooo self-conscious about lots of things. Placement and quality of tats and piercings; the efficacy of their latest waxing job; how their hair colour looks on camera. You know,
those sorts of things.
Phlexor, I read out your post to my kids, and they were groaning with envy right up to the mention of the 50-inch plasma. Then the groans turned to laughter and they said, "Now he's just showing off."

I got myself the
Terminator Salvation 2-disc edition with bonus t-shirt, but haven't watched the movie yet because my older boy is playing the shit out of
Trauma Center: Second Opinion for the Wii, and that uses the biggest screen we've got. [/pout]