Callaway is usually calm in the face of arguments, which is why she's been an administrator on my forum for well over 3 and a half years. It's why I chose her and I imagine she's mod here for the same reason.
Callaway is her own person with her own personality. Just because she isn't gheying people right and left and being quite as
intense as many of the members on Intensity is because that's her personality. She's a person who seems to strive to be kind and fair. And if the people on here who struggle with achieving the same level of diplomacy instead choose to criticize her for lack of mudslinging and ridiculous namecalling, then you're just angry, jealous, and paranoid. Get over yourselves.
Telling something to someone's cyber-face rather than keeping it to yourself doesn't mean you're "honest", telling it like it is.

It just means you don't censor whatever spills out of your mouth. And there's more to communicating and being REAL than letting fly whatever comes to mind. Any dickhead can do that. Callaway, in all of her calmness, is more sincere and real than most of the people on here fighting and bickering and spazzing.
Saying whatever you're thinking doesn't take talent. What's admirable is realizing when you should hold your tongue, in spite of the temptation not to do so. There's no point in wasting your breath talking if the person you're saying it to isn't going to
hear you. How you say something is just as important as what you say.
And unlike a number of people on here, I've always found Callaway to understand this difference.