
Author Topic: Callaway  (Read 7169 times)

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #105 on: December 20, 2009, 06:25:00 PM »
Huh? I'm not bothered about her not plussing me

It's that she was alway plussing people in arguments but never actually saying anything. Always conveniently staying out of it but not entirely. She obviously agreed with those people she was plussing, so why not actually come straight out and say it herself? Instead of just plussing the people who do have it in them to say what they think.

And I don't see what's wrong with calling someone out for that. Especially on a site that is meant to be "intense." It's hardly very intense if you don't have the guts to say what you think.

It is possible to plus people without agreeing. At least, it is possible for me.

Like in that transgender thing, best post was CG's, so I plussed her. Most funny post was the Smurf post of Scrap. Don't agree with him on transgender opinions, but found it extremely funny. He surprised me with it, and I think I plussed him for that, if not, I should have.

There can be many reasons to plus. And does not all have to be about agreeing.

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #106 on: December 21, 2009, 03:25:41 AM »
We are all spazzes but Callaway has never said so about herself. Is she autistic? If you ask, you will get a PM.
Embrace your retarded spazziness Callaway! :green: :autism:

I have never once denied being a complete spaz, but I'm on the other end of the spectrum from retarded. 

I know you have never denied it but you haven't said anything along the lines of "I am a proud autistic spazz" either. I don't think being autistic is something to be ashamed of on here.

Sorry for implying you are retarded. I didn't mean it in that way.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #107 on: December 21, 2009, 09:25:26 AM »
So you think that my use of karma is your business but the way you treat your friends here is none of my business?

I think that your treatment of your friends here is my business just as much as my use of karma is yours.

This is stupid.

What bint does in terms of friendships is none of your business callaway as it doesn't affect you. If she chooses to be rude to the people here and loses friends over it thats really not your problem and does not require your involvement. If the people shes annoyed have a problem they can hit her up themselves. Your karma does affect her, even though you are more than entitled to express your opinion through it, it is her business because of this.
As its none of my business either, i'm leaving this thread without an opinion on what went down with said friendships. It doesn't, and shouldn't affect me. Its about time i stopped butting into other peoples business.

Not that I think bints behaviour here has been mature, but I'm looking at this from an unbiased view. I don't have anything against either of you.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 09:31:47 AM by blargh »

Offline Callaway

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #108 on: December 21, 2009, 10:14:27 AM »
So you think that my use of karma is your business but the way you treat your friends here is none of my business?

I think that your treatment of your friends here is my business just as much as my use of karma is yours.

This is stupid.

What bint does in terms of friendships is none of your business callaway as it doesn't affect you. If she chooses to be rude to the people here and loses friends over it thats really not your problem and does not require your involvement. If the people shes annoyed have a problem they can hit her up themselves. Your karma does affect her, even though you are more than entitled to express your opinion through it, it is her business because of this.
As its none of my business either, i'm leaving this thread without an opinion on what went down with said friendships. It doesn't, and shouldn't affect me. Its about time i stopped butting into other peoples business.

Not that I think bints behaviour here has been mature, but I'm looking at this from an unbiased view. I don't have anything against either of you.

Bint called me out claiming that I had been using karma rather than openly expressing my opinion about her.  She demanded to know my opinion.  So I expressed my honest opinion about how she treats people here who used to be her friends.  How she treats her so-called friends on MSN or ZOMG or through email is nothing to me; however, I think that her nastiness on Intensity to the people who used to be her friends does affect the climate here.  Since I care about Intensity, I think that how she affects the climate here is my business just as much as whether I plus someone with whom she happens to disagree is her business.  She's not claiming that I am psycho-gheying her or something like that, because I'm not.  I think that would be her business.

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #109 on: December 21, 2009, 12:10:17 PM »
Anyone who complains about being psycho-gheyed is a retard


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Re: Callaway
« Reply #110 on: December 21, 2009, 12:23:40 PM »
Anyone who psycho-gheyes is a retard

If ever there was a post that needed fixing...

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #111 on: December 25, 2009, 01:56:45 PM »
Callaway is usually calm in the face of arguments, which is why she's been an administrator on my forum for well over 3 and a half years. It's why I chose her and I imagine she's mod here for the same reason.

Callaway is her own person with her own personality. Just because she isn't gheying people right and left and being quite as intense as many of the members on Intensity is because that's her personality. She's a person who seems to strive to be kind and fair. And if the people on here who struggle with achieving the same level of diplomacy instead choose to criticize her for lack of mudslinging and ridiculous namecalling, then you're just angry, jealous, and paranoid. Get over yourselves.

Telling something to someone's cyber-face rather than keeping it to yourself doesn't mean you're "honest", telling it like it is.  ::) It just means you don't censor whatever spills out of your mouth. And there's more to communicating and being REAL than letting fly whatever comes to mind. Any dickhead can do that. Callaway, in all of her calmness, is more sincere and real than most of the people on here fighting and bickering and spazzing.

Saying whatever you're thinking doesn't take talent. What's admirable is realizing when you should hold your tongue, in spite of the temptation not to do so. There's no point in wasting your breath talking if the person you're saying it to isn't going to hear you. How you say something is just as important as what you say.

And unlike a number of people on here, I've always found Callaway to understand this difference.

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #112 on: December 25, 2009, 02:45:20 PM »
Well written Sophist.
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Re: Callaway
« Reply #113 on: December 25, 2009, 03:29:35 PM »
She does tend to bias though, going with the people who said the story first and not stopping to see what the other side has to say. If someone said member A raped member B, she'd jump to his/her side even if it was an outright lie.

For this matter though, saying nothing doesn't really make a difference. The whole splint callout thing was silly at best.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2009, 03:31:49 PM by Shleed O'Bollox »

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #114 on: December 25, 2009, 03:31:46 PM »
She does tend to bias though, going with the people who said the story first and not stopping to see what the other side has to say. If someone said member A raped raped B, she'd jump to his/her side even if it was an outright lie.

You are mistaken about this, Shleed.  Actually if it's possible, I almost always try to see what the other person has to say about it first.


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Re: Callaway
« Reply #115 on: December 25, 2009, 03:38:16 PM »
I have seen it a few times from you, for example branding pea as a stalker (even though he is a ginger eejit) because of some speculations made by several members. This was before he left, before you say anything. :orly:

You've done it a few times when bint cried about some useless bollocks that was probably lies to gain attention.

...and you done it again by accusing bint of psycho-gheying when it was obviously reactionary. Why? Because Phlextor and crew whined.

You can disagree all you want and I'm not going to force you to realise, you can say I'm wrong. That's fine. I'm just pointing out things lark. :zoinks:

Offline Callaway

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #116 on: December 25, 2009, 03:55:53 PM »
I have seen it a few times from you, for example branding pea as a stalker (even though he is a ginger eejit) because of some speculations made by several members. This was before he left, before you say anything. :orly:

You've done it a few times when bint cried about some useless bollocks that was probably lies to gain attention.

...and you done it again by accusing bint of psycho-gheying when it was obviously reactionary. Why? Because Phlextor and crew whined.

You can disagree all you want and I'm not going to force you to realise, you can say I'm wrong. That's fine. I'm just pointing out things lark. :zoinks:

I knew that Pea disagreed that some of the things he had been doing were stalking behavior.  I still thought that they were at least on the borderline of it.  I know that he did not lurk with a camera in a tree outside someone's bedroom window and follow them around IRL, but there are different kinds of stalking.  When someone misuses someone's personal information and goes out of his way to cause someone serious IRL trouble over an internet squabble, I think that's one of them.  Maybe you have a different name for it, like harassment, but it's still  not appropriate behavior.

Both Bint and Soph have been psycho-gheying people.  If you don't think that they have, then just look at both of their karma logs.

I'm not sure about which useless bollocks Bint cried about that was probably only lies to gain attention that I'm supposed to have reacted to.  Could you please be more specific?

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #117 on: December 25, 2009, 04:32:06 PM »
I don't get what the deal is with the psycho-gheying thing

I've done it to wind a couple people up, and it's worked :zoinks:

For example with PPK. I originally gheyed him because he genuinely made a retarded post. He had a tantrum and started gheying me just for gheying  him, so I kept on gheying him whenever I remembered. I thought it was funny that he's such a big american tough guy with his guns and weird rugby game, yet he cries over getting gheyed

Big deal, I yay or ghey people for random shit all the fucking time. I really don't see what's so fucking important about it

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #118 on: December 25, 2009, 04:47:11 PM »
I still think psycho-gheying is childish.

If you psycho-ghey people to wind them up and it works, then they do stuff they think will wind you up.

You get wound up about this stuff they do, you do stuff back, and then it's a vicious circle.

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #119 on: December 25, 2009, 04:52:25 PM »
I agree it is childish. I'm not gonna try and pretend you're wrong there  :laugh:

The fact that people react so badly to something so childish is what is even more stupid though. If someone keeps gheying me, I don't give a shit or I think it's funny. If someone reacts to it like PPK/Scrapheap did, then that just encourages people. I think on a site like this people should be able to handle something that pathetic