lol Fucking hell Les, this is like trying to explain something to a 3 year old
We didn't callout Callaway for not being open in that she wasn't posting on the board
If she'd been gheying the people she disagreed with, we wouldn't have accused her of anything
Do you understand that or do you need me to type it out again in baby words? 
Still don't get it Soph, is Bint calling out Callaway simply for her style?
Her style has been like that as long as I can remember.
So, maybe I do need spelling it out in baby words. Because my style is not that different from that of Callaway.
Do we have to change our styles of posting, because of Bint and you? Why?
Addressing you here Soph, because you claim to be able to speak for Bint here.
If by 'style' you mean not saying what you think to someone directly, then yes ok.
I still don't get it.
And I tried. Went through pages on how Callaway uses karma. The first real negative karma I found was September 11, towards Soleiyu, who said all Americans, Canadians etc. etc. should be put in the gas-chambers if he had authority about that. And it is obvious that Sol aggravated Callaway as much as he could.
For the rest Callaway plusses, and she plusses a lot, sometimes plusses in disguise, using a ghey.
And she did plus you and Bint too when you look further back, now she changed her actions there and plusses the two of you less or not, sorry, did not look that close.
So, if you want to find an opinion, you can find it.
The way you and Bint post are apparently not of the same quality as the posts of Soleiyu. And that's a fair call I think.
And she plusses you less. That can mean several things. That she is disagreeing with the way you post, who knows, can also mean that she thinks they are not exiting enough to comment on.
Callaway has no obligation to tell why she is not plussing some people. And since she uses gheying only very rarely, you can't blame her for not gheying you either.
And of course, all kinds of other explanations for her not plussing you are possible.
Is there a need to call Callaway out? Don't think so. If you and/or Bint are curious about what she thinks of the posting style of you and/or Bint, you can just ask in an ask away thread. Why polemise when you only want to know what she thinks of you.