Author Topic: Callaway  (Read 7187 times)

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #30 on: December 17, 2009, 03:46:19 PM »
Why do you have me on ignore if you still read my posts and answer to threads I make  :zoinks:

Pathetic you are.


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Re: Callaway
« Reply #31 on: December 17, 2009, 04:00:59 PM »
Scatheap, why bother when you're going to be a useless cowardly cunt?

Bint's harmless and fun to annoy, so why put her on ignore? :laugh:


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Re: Callaway
« Reply #32 on: December 17, 2009, 04:15:16 PM »
Scatheap, why bother when you're going to be a useless cowardly cunt?

Bint's harmless and fun to annoy, so why put her on ignore? :laugh:

Because she's more annoying, than annoyable. Not worth the effort. :jaded:

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #33 on: December 17, 2009, 04:18:02 PM »
My problem is that you prefer to stay schtum about things that annoy you and instead use karma to say what you truly think. 


...and the winner for the Biggest Hypocrite in the Universe goes to...  :borg: The BintySoph Borg Collective!!!   :congrats:

No. Do you ever know what a hypocrte is? We ghey YOU if we think you are being an ass. And we make it perfectly clear if we disagree with siomone. If you re-read what she said, I think you'll see that you've just made yourself look pretty stupid (again)


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Re: Callaway
« Reply #34 on: December 17, 2009, 04:27:16 PM »
We ghey YOU if we think you are being an ass.

  :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos:


I welcome ANYONE to take a look at the karma thrashing campaign the BintySoph Borg Collective did against me. I was gheyed for no reason, WHEN I WASN'T EVEN POSTING!!!
« Last Edit: December 17, 2009, 04:28:52 PM by Scrapheap »

Offline Christopher McCandless

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #35 on: December 17, 2009, 04:43:48 PM »
Why do you have me on ignore if you still read my posts and answer to threads I make  :zoinks:

Pathetic you are.
Pathetic that you care, really...

Offline Callaway

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #36 on: December 17, 2009, 05:02:21 PM »

I welcome ANYONE to take a look at the karma thrashing campaign the BintySoph Borg Collective did against me. I was gheyed for no reason, WHEN I WASN'T EVEN POSTING!!!

You certainly have gotten a lot of minuses from Bint and Soph lately, so many that the people plussing you have trouble keeping up.

Offline Callaway

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #37 on: December 17, 2009, 05:04:19 PM »
What's your problem with me, Bint?

My problem with you is that you shit all over people who used to be your friends.

My problem is that you prefer to stay schtum about things that annoy you and instead use karma to say what you truly think.  Now, I think that's cowardly as hell so I'm calling you out on it.

Which ex-friends do I shit all over exactly?  You know fuck all about my friendship with Shleed and why I'm not friends with him anymore.  Nor do I think my friendships are any of your business to be honest but if my behaviour is so despicable towards my friends then I want you to give me proof.  Use those dossier skills of yours and show me exactly who and how I shat all over please  ;)

So you think that my use of karma is your business but the way you treat your friends here is none of my business?

I think that your treatment of your friends here is my business just as much as my use of karma is yours.

I guess I have unconsciously gone a little easier on you in the past than I might have because I still like you and I don't want to feel responsible for you in case you do something to harm yourself again, but since you asked here's what I think.

I think what you did to TheOtherWindow was particularly shitty.  You should already know what you did, but if you really want me to provide details, then here goes. You "fell out" with TOW for a ridiculous reason, which left him feeling hurt and bewildered.  I think your "reason" was something stupid like he was too busy to listen to you rant one night.  I used my dossier skills, but I think you edited out the post with your "reason" for cutting off your good friend.  I believe that you finally wound up apologizing, but doing stuff like this leaves a mark that's difficult to erase with just an "I'm sorry" and I haven't seen him back here much lately.

I think you tend to "fall out" with some of your friends for relatively minor reasons.  You certainly aren't perfect yourself, so how can you expect your friends to be?  Then you turn around and complain that you can't keep friends.  "I hate the way I cannot keep people.  I also hate feeling alone.  Tis the primary reason why I am so often here."

I think the way you keep trying to insult Shleed and Phlexor over their weight is cruel and childish.  There are several people here who have a loved one who is at least a little overweight and I think remarks like this probably bother them as much or more than they bother Phlexor and Shleed.  Also, I think if someone made similar remarks to you, you would probably would take it very much to heart and you probably would not eat for days, or if you did, you would probably make yourself vomit or abuse laxatives to lose some weight.

It's true that I don't always take the time to make another post agreeing with what someone says, so sometimes I plus them because I agree with what they said.  Sometimes I plus them because I sympathize with something they're going through and sometimes I plus them because I think their post is funny, cute, insightful, or well-written.  It's also true that I don't minus people often, but I do sometimes if I think they are being particularly obnoxious.

You really don't seem to handle any sort of criticism well.  When I told you that your smoking was more likely to cause early heart disease than a few extra pounds, here was your response to me:  "well i hope u get the bubonic plague and die too"


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Re: Callaway
« Reply #38 on: December 17, 2009, 05:13:02 PM »
She can take the piss out of my fatness as much as shle likes, but what I don't get is that she cries just like Phlextor if people take the piss out of skinnies. Take the piss out of both or just not bother, in my opinion.

She fell out with TCO? News to me. She never mentioned this.

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #39 on: December 17, 2009, 05:17:28 PM »
She can take the piss out of my fatness as much as shle likes, but what I don't get is that she cries just like Phlextor if people take the piss out of skinnies. Take the piss out of both or just not bother, in my opinion.

She fell out with TCO? News to me. She never mentioned this.

She picked a stupid fight with him and cut him off some time ago.  She started a thread about it, but deleted most of her posts from it.  Then she apologized later.  She started a happy birthday thread for him a few days ago, but I don't think he has been here for weeks.

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #40 on: December 17, 2009, 05:19:03 PM »
Confusion entering.

I can do upside down chocolate moo things!


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Re: Callaway
« Reply #41 on: December 17, 2009, 05:20:52 PM »
TOW I meant, not TCO. Over what?

Why does she bother trying to act mature and stick to the moral highground when in reality she goes just as low? There's a usual cycle to her arguments:

10 Makes preachy post about some liberal bullshit.
20 If person disagrees, go to 30. If not, go back to 10.
30 Says you're wrong and you're dumb for having a different opinion.
40 If person diagrees again, go to 50. If not, go back to 10.
50 Keeps on saying the person is dumb, without explaining on why she thinks the person is wrong. Flings childish insults and ad homs.
60 If person reponds in any form, loop 50. If not, go to 70.

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #42 on: December 17, 2009, 05:56:49 PM »
TOW I meant, not TCO. Over what?

IIRC, he didn't have time to listen to her one time when she wanted him to.

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #43 on: December 17, 2009, 06:01:48 PM »
We ghey YOU if we think you are being an ass.

  :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :lies: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos: :fos:


I welcome ANYONE to take a look at the karma thrashing campaign the BintySoph Borg Collective did against me. I was gheyed for no reason, WHEN I WASN'T EVEN POSTING!!!

god you're retarded. The point is that we were gheying YOU. not yaying someone you were arguing with because we didn't have the guts to tell you we thought you were an ass to your face.  :duh:

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Re: Callaway
« Reply #44 on: December 17, 2009, 06:03:16 PM »
Why do you have me on ignore if you still read my posts and answer to threads I make  :zoinks:

Pathetic you are.
Pathetic that you care, really...

She cares?

In which case, it's pathetic that you care so much too. I mean, you're responding, so obviously you care (using hardon-logic here)