every day is like a new challenge for me to see how many dumb things i can do before bedtime.

here are two recent examples (both of these incidents happened within the last week):
1. i came home from work and went to the bathroom. upon entering the bathroom, i noticed two small black marks on the wall. i stood there, wondering how the marks had come to be there and why i hadn't noticed them before.
it was some time before i realised that the bathroom wallpaper had been stripped off (my mum had removed it during the day) and the reason why i had not seen the marks before was because the wallpaper had previously been covering them.
how i managed to notice two tiny marks but completely miss the fact that all the wallpaper had been removed, i don't know.
2. i went in the garage to get some pet food (that's where i keep it) to feed my cat and noticed that my one-year-old niece's pram was in there, facing the wall. before i reached across the pram to get the cat food, i stopped to check that my niece wasn't inside it - as if my sister or mother were likely to leave a baby alone, shut in a garage, at night time.