I don't see how jman did anything wrong.
He paid me a compliment and that was cool. It's public knowledge on the board that I'm happily involved with someone and J doesn't have some secret ulterior motive. If someone doesn't agree with him about whether or not they like my pic, that's not his problem and I couldn't care less what that person thinks of me. Meh. Not a big deal.
This is the second time you've taken your anger out on me for no reason.
You have no right to take your anger out on me
She's just displacing her anger on me because I am an easy target. I may have to cut her off if this shit continues.
How exactly is not liking the idea of your thread TAKING MY ANGER OUT ON YOU? I am NOT angry. I have no reason to be ANGRY. my ANGER as you put it is not ANGER, its servere mental instability.
Cut me off? Do it. I don't have time for people who underestimate the seriousness of my mental problems and cut me off simply because they don't like what they're hearing.
I am calling you out on what happens in the wake of your lapdog threads. I am not attacking you because you're an "easy target". I would have said this if Shleed posted it, Les patterson posted it and had a track record of doing it a lot in the past.
Every thread like this you make ends up with the person getting bashed. Why don't you just PM the person instead of making a thread/public sideshow opening the person up to bashing? Celtic Goddess might not care. Be glad that she doesn't. But she isn't the first person this has happened with.
Threads like this a recipes for disaster and always have been.
Don't like what I have to say on your thread? Cut me off. Assume that my beaviour is totally about you. Assume that I'm in a stable state of mind and i'm just doing it to get kicks or something. Cut me off.
Don't be a friend who is there when someone actually NEEDS a friend because you're pissed off because you don't like their opinion.
If thats what this is. Cut me off.
Cut me off.
Or I'll have to do it for you.
At the moment I need real friends. Friends who understand the hell I am going through.
You only want to associate with stable poeple who say what you want to hear? Cut me off. I would rather be completely friendless than have friends who denounce me because i'm not their IDEAL STABLE idea of a friend.
I'm sorry.
I am never going to be a stable person. I am never going to be your ideal friend. If thats what you want, completley forget about me and stop contact with me and continue associating with CG and the other stable people from this site.
I am sorry I am not them.
I am sorry I can't conform to your ideal standards.
If you're mentally unstable then get help. I know I have done fucked up things in the past, but there was no reason to come on here and publicly flame me as this thread has nothing to do with you. Why are you holding a grudge against me?
If you were really that concerned about me bashing CG than you could have PMed her and/or talked me about it on msn or something. It's one thing to be opinionated, it's another to publicly bash your friend.
I accept your apology,but this cannot happen again. I know I am preaching to the choir, but you need to get a better handle on your emotions.
On another note, I am still very much attracted to you however I am not sure I'd want you as a girlfriend at this point as you seem to be emotional trainwreck.
Yes everybody I know I am throwing bricks in glass houses, here