Escargo in mushroom caps?

Have you ever tried it? It tastes like salty ooy gooey goodness. Their filling too. You stuff em in the caps add some pesto sauce, cheese and mmmmmmm the nectar of the goddesses. Snails are a lot more sanitary then what comes out of those factory farms better protein too.
Sinsce I have had meat I'm not constantly hungry. A vegetarian diet contains too many carbs and since I've been veggie I have been caring a little bit of pudge. I'm not
fat but I can do better. I never had that extra five pounds of pudge when I used to eat meat.
I don't like pork. I never did in the pre-veggie years. So I won't eat it. Red meat is kinda ick. and bedsides you are what you eat, you eat pigs you'll look like a pig
you eat small amounts of moose meat you'll be lean and strong like a moose. My mom has always taught me that have you ever noticed that fat people look like the food they eat? im not gonna post pics cause it's fucking gross.