I did confirmation too. Bet none of you will guess what my confirmation name is 
Only if yours is Fuckwad 
Had I been raised Catholic it probably would be. I was raised Episcopalian, we even had gays in the church before homosexuality was culturally acceptable.
No priest buggering for you then eh? 
We didn't have priests in Episcopalianism, we had Rectors, I never did understand the difference. At my church, the rector was a woman and she was married. She didn't look that bad, so if she did make an advance, I don't think it would've bothered me that much.
Slightly off topic:
The first time I ever got drunk was at a church, I was 12 and me and a friend ducked out of the service right after communion and started wandering around the church building. We found the storage room and took a bottle of the cheap California wine they use for communion and went up into the bell tower where we spent the rest of the service passing the bottle back and forth. After the service was over we went into the function room where everybody goes for coffee after the service, we were both shitfaced. Someone asked me if I was alright and I said "Yes, I have Jesus in me, I feel fantastic".