Straightforward and honest? ha!
Straightforward? FUCK no Take one look at one of your rambly incoherent posts. Honest? I don't buy that either
There's one of two things going on here. Either you're a lying prick, or your dumb as fuck. Actually possibly both. I'll let you choose, seeing as I'm in a good mood
Oh how very considerate of you Soph.

Actually, you not understanding what it is I write is hardly a smear on "my intelligence". Further points to your lack of, but then you have admitted as much so no probs. Leads to the second option you "allowed"

Lying, huh? No worries. Prove it. Easy to do as it is so obvious no doubt. Or perhaps you are just full of it and happy to defend you crazy mate thick or thin. (More of the thick naturally)
So what was that third option again Soph?