Author Topic: What are you not doing right now...  (Read 17584 times)

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Re: What are you not doing right now...
« Reply #720 on: July 19, 2007, 10:16:26 AM »
What kind of jobs are you applying for?

I am trying to avoid retail sales jobs, which I can get, easily, but I can not excel at, over the long term. I am a little too unstable for consistent performance, without drinking almost everyday. I have tried two landscape companies, a commercial plant supplier, the library, a nursing home, and a delivery service. I gave up last time, because I set my goals too high. I need to learn to recognize reality when it does not deviate.
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Re: What are you not doing right now...
« Reply #721 on: January 16, 2017, 11:21:00 AM »
  The fucking laundry!   :laundry: :laundry: :laundry:  :GA:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Re: What are you not doing right now...
« Reply #722 on: January 16, 2017, 05:44:05 PM »
Getting something off the clothes line to wear. Doing so will involve putting on pants :P

Offline "couldbecousin"

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Re: What are you not doing right now...
« Reply #723 on: January 16, 2017, 05:57:36 PM »
Getting something off the clothes line to wear. Doing so will involve putting on pants :P

  Jim Gaffigan feels your pain.  :P

"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"

Offline renaeden

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Re: What are you not doing right now...
« Reply #724 on: January 16, 2017, 09:53:39 PM »
^Hahaha loved that.

Should be having a shower.
Mildly Cute in a Retarded Way

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Re: What are you not doing right now...
« Reply #725 on: January 17, 2017, 06:22:16 AM »
  The fucking laundry!   :laundry: :laundry: :laundry:  :GA:

Neither am I.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: What are you not doing right now...
« Reply #726 on: January 17, 2017, 06:44:18 AM »
  The fucking laundry!   :laundry: :laundry: :laundry:  :GA:

Neither am I.

  Update: I ended up getting a large load of laundry done last night!  :thumbup:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"

Offline 'andersom'

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Re: What are you not doing right now...
« Reply #727 on: January 17, 2017, 08:35:42 AM »
  The fucking laundry!   :laundry: :laundry: :laundry:  :GA:

Neither am I.

  Update: I ended up getting a large load of laundry done last night!  :thumbup:

I've now evolved to not not doing my laundry.

Will have to hang it soon.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: What are you not doing right now...
« Reply #728 on: January 17, 2017, 03:02:42 PM »
Your welcome to use my power shower Ren, its big, spacious and not just your regular shower either, it heats up in moments, adjustable yield, fully en suite and has an entire room to house it, with the drain located in the floor.

Certainly  room for two. Especially if one of them has a gorgeous speshul ed death stare that sends the shivers down my spine and back up again to richochet between my ears.

I'm currently, well I am debating which of three tasks I need to perform today to engage in first (although that shower would rise to first priority rather quickly, if that roomy-ness was taken full advantage of. :autism:

I need to login to my user account on a specific forum and see if I have yet received any update as to if certain acylating and alkylating reagents have yet been shipped, and if they haven't, ask the same somebody they are coming from if it isn't too late to combine the flat rate shipping fee and add some other items I have need for and another couple I need badly to replace.

I also need to tell the NHS, who sent me a nasty letter demanding money with menaces for a 'false claim' for free prescriptions. Thing is. I never made that claim, at the time, I was physically incapable of having made it, because my foot was badly messed up and I could barely, just barely, manage to get from lying flat on the sofa downstairs to the bog just meters away on crutches. There is no way in hell that I COULD have submitted a false claim even had I the desire to, because I couldn't possibly, physically, have gone to the dr's surgery to pick up my prescriptions, nor could I have gotten to the pharmacy to pick the meds up either. I certainly couldn't have done both, and even if I had, I couldn't possibly have got back home again, seeing as how I A-was in absolute agony, B-unable to walk unaided, only on crutches when I was recovering somewhat, and at the time in question, I had to piss in a fucking empty 10 liter jug of methanol since I couldn't, then, even get off the sofa at all, or even turn round. I was stuck, flat on my back, going nowhere, slowly. So I had to send someone else to pick up my scripts for me and collect the meds.

And from what I know, either they didn't know the right box to tick to get my free scripts, or the pharmacy workers themselves took it  and said don't worry, then just filled in a random fucking section!.

Looks like I'll need to fix that tomorrow, since I've been rather busy beginning the arrangement of some reagents and solvents that I require and stuffing a great big double cheeseburger from a burger grill bar type shop, not the cheapo mcdonalds type that are thin and small, but the kind that comes laden with two big fat juicy slices of fried salty deceased bovine, chopped up and reformed, fried and slathered with multiple slices of extra cheese added on top of what is meant to come with it, down my gullet, and sitting back, satisfied, to digest.

So I've not today filled in the exemption thing, to stop the shitheads fining me for a claim I never in fact, ever made. I have until the end of the month however so I'll do it tomorrow, after I've  gone to an appointment I have with someone, a social worker. Who, I daresay is actually, for someone not autistic, or even aspie, pretty damned well attractive. Hell, I'd even bed her given the chance! and for someone not autie/aspie/rett's that is REALLY saying something. Thats like the pope converting to islam and masturbating to pictures of satan with a slice of bacon held between the pages of a pig-fat-soaked koran having lit it on fire and decided to stop molesting choirboys in terms of how likely or frequent such an event is to happen (for me to have feelings strong enough for that to be possible  with an NT woman, they almost always aren't at all attractive to me. Just not my 'type'. But this one is. And what really blows is this may be the last time I get to see her. Now I have the money, I'm going to get her a nice little something for xmas, wanted to at the time, but have only seen her once since in any case and at the time, didn't have the cash.     

Really nice lass, quite young, I'd say around mid, maybe late 20s to early 30s, brunette, with a smile to die for and a great voice too. Stunner of a figure, and a personality that I took to straight away, she just, well, has this immediately likeable, sweet kind of character. Quite lovely really. I hope its not the last time I see her, because I'm going to miss her more than she could have the slightest idea about. So I'm getting her something good for xmas, especially as when I asked her how hers went, and if she got anything good, she said no not really. Not going to let her know until I've got it her, and if I must, I will plant it on her, wrapped and slip it into a pocket of hers and let her know by means of her finding it. A bit sneaky of me perhaps, but I think to sneak her an xmas gift worthy of her, a little subterfuge is forgivable and acceptable in order to make her day a happy one, since that is in no way for my gain or in the spirit of exploitativeness. I just want to make sure a smile arrives on her face tomorrow. Even if I don't get to enjoy the sight of it, as long as she gets some joy out of it, then I will be content. And I may even make sure I don't get to, that she doesn't know its there until she puts her hand in her pocket, if I have to reverse-pickpocket her so to speak, to make certain she cannot attempt to return it to me.                         
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What are you not doing right now...
« Reply #729 on: January 17, 2017, 03:14:15 PM »
^ Why do you have such a thing for autie women?

I think I have an odd voice, it's similar to the woman who was in the Autistic Gardener. Apparently I make a facial expression every now and then that looks obviously different, that was what my ex told me. An old friend told me my expression most of the time was blank. I really like the blank look. I'm not sure how aspie I really look.

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Re: What are you not doing right now...
« Reply #730 on: January 17, 2017, 04:31:27 PM »
Your joking right justcurious? because there is so much greater potential for both a good heart and soul, and they when attractive tend to be sexy as fucking hell:autism:
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Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What are you not doing right now...
« Reply #731 on: January 17, 2017, 05:07:48 PM »
So it's not the autism, just someone good-hearted who's physically attractive?

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Re: What are you not doing right now...
« Reply #732 on: January 18, 2017, 06:09:46 AM »
Its both. I find the characteristics typically found in autistic girls REALLY a turn on, especially in the case of the classic phenotype. I can't explain why, but the good heart and soul tend to go along with riding shotgun. But to stretch out the metaphor a little, neither is completely in the driving seat.

Like, there was this girl called kate, at  a school I went to, and she used to and probably still does this kinda jumping on the spot hand flapping stereotypy, very twirly girly she was, and delightful to be around, everybody loved her to bits. And my god, she was a gorgeous lass too, a real weapons-grade stunner. Used to make this cute noise whilst she did it, some sort of auditory stim of hers, and it was hot as hell. Can't explain WHY, it just IS. And as far as life experience goes, well there is a rather large precedent, ratio wise. Every autie and some aspie girls I've...well...fornicated with, its been great. Every NT...lacklustre in some way, like, there is just something missing.

The intensity isn't there either, I've found that kanner's girls who want to fuck, really GO for it, forget fucking like rabbits, its fucking worth to write pompeii out of the history books, unless your looking for a footnote in some abandoned and forgotten scroll somewhere buried amongst the dust. Real hot, steamy, raunchy howling, shouting stimmy flappy fucking the shit out of each other like crazy  intense. just can't fucking beat it.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: What are you not doing right now...
« Reply #733 on: January 18, 2017, 10:03:36 AM » days. What a time for painful crushes. :( I think I know what you mean about quirks being adorable, like a particularly odd voice, or a funny walk. And yeh, a good heart that doesn't judge you at all...kills. :( So do good looks...sigh.

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Re: What are you not doing right now...
« Reply #734 on: January 18, 2017, 03:47:25 PM »
Damn..talking of voices, your making me think of laura, another girl from my first secondary school. Looks like she hasn't aged a year, lucky so and so, her voice hasn't changed either, used to be dead high pitched in a fast-paced delivered almost squeaky kind of way, I know it doesn't SOUND from that like she would be one of the girls in the place, one of two, the other being kate, that I was absolutely nuts for. I still am about laura, have seen her since leaving the place, although haven't in too long and want badly to get back in touch, because I find myself always thinking of her. Not usual for me to miss someone, but laura, I do, I really do.

She's still tiny petite and thin enough I could easily wrap one arm around three, perhaps four of her. Still looks like she would be going back to school the next day, as little as I miss the place for the most part, but a few years older than me. Not many, but damn, she really has kept her looks. I've been dying to ask her out for quite some time. I'd love to do a genetic analysis on a few of her cells as well, if I could gain access to cell lines from more kanner's autie males and females and compare those who age normally, with those who do so much, much less, as fully expressed as the trait goes because if one could bottle the way laura ages, jesus, she and I would be rolling in it. What woman wouldn't want to be able to look 10 at 12. 12 at 14-15. 15-16 at 19-early 20s and then just...shit, thinking about it shes probably about 33-34 now, and she really hasn't aged a minute. Its actually kinda uncanny. I'd love to be able to look ahead of time at a time-lapse, at first set in years, until maybe 25, then in 2 or three and 5 year increments until say, 50-60yo. My expectation is that she certainly will have reached maximum height, as her growth plates will have fused already some years ago, and that at 50 I'd be surprised if she looked 19 or 20. Not the only case I've known personally of it. And it really does provoke my curiosity.

Anyone here look far younger than they are, and/or seem to age slowly? I'd be interested to know how common it is, and what the gender divide is, as well as match for autism phenotype (classic, aspie, rett's, PDD or whatever the fuck they are calling it these days when they haven't the faintest idea), so far though I've only really observed this in 'lfa' (ew ew ew i hate that term) auties and close on the spectrum, for the most part at least. And despite at least rumour has it, that autism is more common in males than females (my money is on it being more of a harder to spot, as well as manifesting differently in anything other than full or noear full phenotypic expression. Which isn't to say that penetrance is the same. But if many genes in what aooears to have a large swathe of altered genes responsible for the phenotype in MOST cases are X-linked, then being female will make a dramatic difference in expression, or, as in the monogenetic Rett's syndrome, the causative mutation (in a protein called MECP2,) a knockdown of function mutation, MECP2 knockout, complete loss of function is lethal in utero, whilst knokdown, or partial loss of function or expression is survivable and leads in females to Rett syndrome whilst it kills males at the foetus stage, since MECP2 is X-linked, and girls, having two X chromosomes, have a backup, and its variable what dose of altered gene the female gets, as only one of the two X chromosomes is active in any one cell, the other sex chromosome being inactivated at random by a process called lyonization, after which it forms a Barr body, the leftovers basically. But males, unless they have some other co-occuring mutation like an XXY karyotype don't survive pregnancy, or if they do its not lfor long, and you thus do not see guys with Rett syndrome, aside from a tiny, tiny handful of cases where it must, by chance, occur rogether.

Been reading an interesting article on autism genetics, instead of posting something else elsewhere on another forum. Oops..autie hyperfocus, I see what you did least I do now several hours after the fact :autism:

And a game I've been playing on the pc, forgot that, luckily its turn based, old school isometric tactical combat/world management squad based game from the X-com series of the early-mid '90s

Looks like I have a post to write, a bug hunt to finish, since something is pissing me off, hiding, probably crapping itself in a corner after all of its fellows have been shot, blown up, shocked or stun grenaded unconscious or cut to pieces with vibroblades. So the last of the little buggers probably is hiding somewhere, whilst the entire damn squad plus a drone tank loaded with a torpedo launcher is out looking for the little shit. Already had to expend some ammunition I'd rather have kept back for other missions for a captured enemy hand-held guided weapon that serves as pretty effective heavy artillery that can easily outmatch the tank, or for that matter reduce it to scrap metal. Its what gets called for when there are snipers. Sod going in and flushing them out. Just level the building to the ground. Something behind the door? what door? what walls, ceiling and rather large surrounding area. And anything in cover getting grenade happy, or anything dangerous enough not to want to get anywhere near, the thing launches something like a guided, pinpoint accurate sonic pulse-based warhead with a yield resembling a portable tactical micronuke. Only for the strongest agents or those that can dig in into cover, drop it, pick it up after and have an assistant to load and fire if possible. But just perfect for where you know WHERE the enemy is but they aren't sneaking around, but keeping squads pinned round from this thing and the building generally isn't there anymore, and neither is a large area around it. Makes it great for those nasty sub-sea missions in the dark, where things can start unloading shots at your teams the moment the point troops move out or even duck to allow sniper fire. Guys at the front get one of these each, fire off into the unexplored area, lots of screams of things dying, silence. No more fire at the troop transport:)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.