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Al Swearegen:
--- Quote from: Bint on December 03, 2009, 06:03:06 PM ---It means we're too cool for this place 8)
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Or that you deserve it for choosing to treat the place with a lack of respect. (I know everyone else is to blame for their reaction to your inability to do exactly what you want)
Course if you DO believe you are "too cool for this place" there is an easy solution for hanging out with the aspies here, isn't there Bint. What do you think that might be?
Jesus won't you give it a fucking rest already? You wonder why I say you're obsessed? This is exactly the reason why. I bet if I were to check your recent posts right now, most of them would be directed at either me, Soph or us both. We all had an argument, yes. We all apparently apologised. We all apparently agreed on a truce. Now is it really so hard for you to shut the fuck up?
By any means, I'm not telling you what or when to post but when you deliberately seek out our old posts to leave a snarky, incoherent comment or two it gets bloody tiring.
Now I know this will most probably trigger a longarse reply from you but this is all I'm going to say. The argument is over so do us all a favour please and get over it ::)
Al Swearegen:
--- Quote from: Bint on December 06, 2009, 06:39:18 AM ---Jesus won't you give it a fucking rest already? You wonder why I say you're obsessed? This is exactly the reason why. I bet if I were to check your recent posts right now, most of them would be directed at either me, Soph or us both. We all had an argument, yes. We all apparently apologised. We all apparently agreed on a truce. Now is it really so hard for you to shut the fuck up?
By any means, I'm not telling you what or when to post but when you deliberately seek out our old posts to leave a snarky, incoherent comment or two it gets bloody tiring.
Now I know this will most probably trigger a longarse reply from you but this is all I'm going to say. The argument is over so do us all a favour please and get over it ::)
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Bint = Victim
Les = Retard
Soph = sycophant
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