Seeing that you still spam like a borg, there's no point in trying to call you out as separate entities. If I didn't have your IPs there'd be no way to know who's who, these days. You're both equally boring, equally without substance, and you both do your damnedest to bring this place down. You're littering the place with spam (no, those P impersonations in Free for All aren't funny or clever in any way) and boring the hell out of just about everyone here. I usually like dogs but you've made me want to poison Soph's little critter and hope that Bint would go back to the pills cos she made more sense when high.
What the fuck is your problem?

Can I ask why you permitted them to have additional profiles here?
I ask this because when I had probs logging in some months back, I tried to register in a different name to see if it worked and you contacted me directly to ask why I was creating a new profile.

As far as I can tell Bint and Soph currently have one profile each, Eclair. They have had other profiles in the past but those were deleted in the past either by them or at their request.
Both of them change their usernames often, though. Also they impersonated several people in the Free For All when it was open to guest posts.