You think you can hurt my feelings? I used to hold the flashlight for my dad.
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I can do upside down chocolate moo things!
Saw you posting you wanted to stop several times.
FFS, PPK you're not getting it at all. I'm not trying to make myself a victim here or drag this on. In fact the opposite. I agree that this started out as a pissing contest which was quite entertaining at first but Sir Les spun it out of proportion when he started making low personal attacks on us. What Soph is getting at, is that Les started out by saying I'm a kid, immature etc. etc. so obviously in Sir Les' eyes I'm a "little girl". Sorry I don't think saying "dumbass" or "old man" is quite up there with taking the piss out of someone being transgendered, having OCD or family problems. Our attacks were more light and designed to be playful more than anything. He was just plain spiteful. If we hit a vulnerability with him (which we must have done or he wouldn't have reacted to this all the way he did) then I apologise as I didn't mean to seriously hurt him. He did get to me by with the homeless thing but not with anything else. I don't give a fuck if he thinks I'm a kid, I definitely think I'm way more mature than him. Also, chipmunk face? Seriously? I'd have to be like 5 to get offended by that, especially since I said so myself countless times I know you all probably think I'm emo and annoying and that poor, old Sir Les is getting unfairly picked on but can this fucking argument be over already? It's boring, tiring and completely unnecessary.
So if it happens again maybe we can erstrict it to a child board of something
Quote from: hykeaswell on November 30, 2009, 07:18:05 AMSaw you posting you wanted to stop several times. Quote from: B. on November 25, 2009, 10:22:21 AMFFS, PPK you're not getting it at all. I'm not trying to make myself a victim here or drag this on. In fact the opposite. I agree that this started out as a pissing contest which was quite entertaining at first but Sir Les spun it out of proportion when he started making low personal attacks on us. What Soph is getting at, is that Les started out by saying I'm a kid, immature etc. etc. so obviously in Sir Les' eyes I'm a "little girl". Sorry I don't think saying "dumbass" or "old man" is quite up there with taking the piss out of someone being transgendered, having OCD or family problems. Our attacks were more light and designed to be playful more than anything. He was just plain spiteful. If we hit a vulnerability with him (which we must have done or he wouldn't have reacted to this all the way he did) then I apologise as I didn't mean to seriously hurt him. He did get to me by with the homeless thing but not with anything else. I don't give a fuck if he thinks I'm a kid, I definitely think I'm way more mature than him. Also, chipmunk face? Seriously? I'd have to be like 5 to get offended by that, especially since I said so myself countless times I know you all probably think I'm emo and annoying and that poor, old Sir Les is getting unfairly picked on but can this fucking argument be over already? It's boring, tiring and completely unnecessary.5 days ago this post was written.I'm not sure what you're getting at hyke but I did apologise. However I fail to see Sir Les' apology myself, maybe you can point it out to me.
We can have call out threads then we can have bitchy whinny threads as long as they don't spread over the whole board