Man can not live by coffee alone, but he will give it a good try. -Harry Styles
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"Surprisingly often the gender-confused adolescent has a physical handicap or limitation (such as asthma) that, in his mind, blocks him from gaining full acceptance from his peers. It is up to both the therapist and the parents to help the adolescent make a realistic assessment of that limitation and to show him that often this is an excuse to stay stuck in a posture of inferiority."
"The penis is the essential symbol of masculinity -- the unmistakable difference between male and female. This undeniable anatomical difference should be emphasized to the boy in therapy. As psychoanalyst Richard Green has noted, the effeminate boy (whom he bluntly calls the "sissy boy") views his own penis as an alien, mysterious object. If he does not succeed in "owning" his own penis, he will grow into an adult who will find continuing fascination in the penises of other men."
"Yes. But I really DO think there's something wrong." By now, Mrs. Johnson's voice sounded sharp and determined. "Last week," she said, "Stevie insisted I get him a Pocahontas doll. And then I saw you on TV. You were describing my son to a T, Dr. Nicolosi. And if you're right, then Stevie will grow up --" Then she hesitated as if afraid to say the word. "He'll be gay. That's what you said. And to be honest, that's why I called you." Her voice began to quaver. "Doctor, WILL my son grow up gay?"
Yeah I used to play with knives and plug sockets when I was a kidDidn't do me any harm
Bags of broken glass were fun yeah... but tbh I used to prefer just playing with the empty bags. As long as it was a plastic bag. I liked to play putting it over my head.
It's so funny you posted this bint because I was thinking about starting a thread about how people hate homosexuality. I honestly do not understand why people have problem with homosexuality. They're not hurting anyone by having a relationship with the same sex. Fucking humanity sometimes! /rant
Quote from: Heinrich on December 04, 2009, 05:17:57 PMBags of broken glass were fun yeah... but tbh I used to prefer just playing with the empty bags. As long as it was a plastic bag. I liked to play putting it over my head.Yeah, oxygen deprivation ftw.